Allergy Elimination Techniques
The AIRO (Allergy/Immune Response Optimization) Allergy Elimination Techniques are able to treat all types of allergies. For those who are familiar with NAET, it is a couple of generations improvement to the NAET treatment for allergies. This treatment is based on acupuncture, which is based on channels of energy that are circulating which are called meridians. These meridians need to be balanced. As we do the AIRO treatment we use a cold laser to balance out the meridians and then use acupressure to the meridian that has been blocked. The whole treatment is very gentle and it takes just a few minutes.
Allergy Elimination Techniques
Allergy Elimination Techniques
Allergy Elimination Techniques
Allergy Elimination Techniques
Allergy Elimination Techniques
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1725 W River View Dr
Bluffdale, UT 84065